ConserMar 2023 Campaign

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Citizen awareness campaign promoted on recycling. Oropesa del Mar last stop of the ConserMar 2023 Campaign


On July 23, the “Recycle for ConserMar” team will be installed in the La Concha beach (promenade, opposite the tourist office) with the aim of raising awareness among citizens about the benefits of recycling for the environment and the importance of not leaving waste on the beaches. 

This town closes the ConserMar 2023 campaign that has been touring 20 coastal towns throughout the Valencian Community since June 29. This is a public awareness campaign on recycling promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition, and Ecoembes. 

Throughout the morning the team of ConserMar will serve citizens who come to their stand. The objective is to inform and encourage  the selective collection of packaging waste generated in the area around beaches (cans, cartons, plastic containers), as well as drawing attention to stop littering, that is, the abandonment of waste on beaches and other natural environments (littering). 

The action will reinforce the importance of separating this waste at home and depositing it in the appropriate containers to facilitate recycling. This will help reduce pollution, improve environmental quality and contribute to the circular economy of packaging.

The campaign  It has had two parts, the first one was developed  from April 6th to April 8th  in which three municipalities from each of the provinces participated (Alboraya, El Campello and Benicassim) and a second one that began on the 30th from June and ends on July 23 in Oropesa del Mar. 

Recycle to ConserMar

The initiative pursues “face to face” interaction with citizens, who will be able to approach the stand that will be located in front of the accesses to an emblematic beach of the town agreed with the participating town councils, where they will be informed about the benefits of recycling for the environment. In addition, they will be helped to improve the correct separation of waste and any doubts about where and how to deposit a certain waste will be resolved, making its subsequent recycling possible. These actions in situ allow us to reach the largest possible number of neighbors and make them aware of the fact that We must recycle in any situation and place. 

In short, it is about Involve citizens as active agents in preserving the common heritage that our beaches represent, valuing them for what they are, a natural treasure on whose use and enjoyment our economic development is also largely based. 

Through the website www.recycleParaConserMar.es sYou will be able to learn about the development of the campaign and the day on which the team will visit each beach. 




The Oropesa del Mar City Council will install containers for textile recycling
flamenco sea