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Aid of €13,000 for the acquisition of educational tablets that CEIP La Mediterrània students can request

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The students of the CEIP La Mediterrània of Oropesa del Mar will once again have the possibility of purchasing educational tablets for primary school students.


The City Council will allocate €13,000 from the municipal budgets to offer students new digitalized educational support. This call for municipal aid, managed by the Department of Education, aims to help Oro-Pesino families to complement or compensate for the expense of purchasing this technological school material. With this, a good development of classes will be sought through an intelligent teaching center in which traditional textbooks are not used. “From the Department of Education we encourage all actions that improve the learning and motivation of students, in this case it is acquiring tablets for school” adds the Councilor for Education, Andrea Iliescu.

The main requirement is to be registered in the municipality to be a beneficiary of this aid. This, together with the application, must be submitted with the required documentation and can be submitted in person or by electronic registration at the electronic headquarters of the Oropesa del Mar City Council. The term began on October 16 and ends on November 6.

The municipal initiative tries to regulate access to new technologies for all primary school students, aiming to develop activities through a technological innovation system and making them enjoy the first educational stages in a more dynamic way. The mayor and Councilor for Innovation, Araceli De Moya, encourages the families of CEIP La Mediterrània students to apply for the aid offered by the City Council. “It is a way to provide students with educational tools to learn to grow in an increasingly digital world”, he stated. 

Oropesa del Mar addresses for two days the solutions and demands for the regeneration of the coasts
XXVIII Trobada de Bandes