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buildings and Monuments
old hospital
There are references to this building from the beginning of the 17th century when it served more as a charitable institution than as a health facility.

The word hospital comes from the Latin "hospitalem"

What does hostel mean?

It was therefore a place to welcome not only the sick but people without resources, orphaned children and even pilgrims.

This hospital operated as such thanks to the inheritance of a notable neighbor from Oropesa, and other charitable aid, until in the 19th century it changed its function to house the Villa prison.


Iria Vazquez

\\\studi creative & web design

From Monday to Friday from 09:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.


964 310 100

Extension 1621 - Culture

C/ Benicarlo, s/n · 12594 Oropesa del Mar Castellón

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See also
buildings and Monuments
Bell tower
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