Oropesa del Mar hosts the Donaters blood donation campaign again

This initiative will take place on December 18 at the municipality's Health Center
The 'Donanters: the most social network' campaign returns to Oropesa del Mar thanks to the collaboration of the City Council and the Generalitat Valenciana, which has allowed the municipality to have this solidarity campaign that unites us in a cause as important as blood donation. This campaign promotes an initiative that will transform donation into a more social and community experience.
This campaign offers the citizens of Oropesa del Mar the opportunity to contribute to strengthening the culture of blood donation and, above all, to help save lives directly. All those interested can join the 'Donanters' campaign next Monday, December 18, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., in Consultations 9 and 10 (Pediatrics) of the Oropesa del Mar Health Center. Regarding the requirements to participate, it is required that you be between 18 and 65 years old, weigh more than 50 kilos and not come on an empty stomach.
The mayor, Araceli de Moya, has invited all those interested to join this initiative, highlighting the aim of strengthening the bonds of solidarity in our community. “This project will not only strengthen the bonds of solidarity and have a positive impact on the availability of blood for those who need it, but will also help save many lives.”, said the councillor.
For her part, the Councillor for Health, Mari Carmen Saura, added: “The health benefits of donating blood are considerable, but the most important part of the process is helping to save lives. For every blood donation, up to three lives can be saved. There are many opportunities to donate blood and make a difference in someone’s life. Donating blood is a safe process. Please help. We look forward to seeing you on December 18.”