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Publications and ConferencesMunicipal filefrom Oropesa
Historical Memory Days
Since 2020, the Municipal Archives has published printed publications and lectures.

Historical Memory Days


From February 24 to March 12, 2022

The Historical Memory Days in Oropesa del Mar, where there will be presentations on the Republic, the Civil War and the Franco Dictatorship. In addition to an exhibition entitled: "Women in the Second Republic. A Dream of Equality”. In addition, projections of different films and documentaries related to the theme were planned. And each day of presentations, the Municipal Library prepared a table with books related to the subject to be discussed and that can be borrowed from the Library.

Public women, conscious citizens. A civic experience in the Second Republic. Rosa Monlleó Peris, Inmaculada Badenes-Gasset, Eva Alcón Sornichero eds: «The political and social reforms that were introduced in the Second Republic accelerated the modernization of Spanish society and gave women the opportunity to acquire a leading role in citizen action, with which they transgressed the masculine space and became conscious subjects, with responsibility in public affairs.»



Juan Luis Porcar Orihuela.

A country in gray and black. Historical memory and Francoist repression of Castelló: «The repression of women during Francoism (prisons, punishments, daily violence,...) inserted in an authoritarian, patriarchal and hierarchical regime that promoted the ideal of a submissive woman without social projection or personal fulfillment. The women (daughters, mothers and sisters) of the victims of the repression were left in charge of broken homes and suffered the consequences of the disintegration of many families with the men dead, imprisoned or exiled; they suffered a double process of social exclusion, as women and as reds. Women suffered all kinds of humiliation (haircuts, ingestion of castor oil, bribes,...) imprisonment and rape, in addition to the loss of spaces of freedom conquered during the republican period.»

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Isabel Ferrandis Pena


Public attention
Monday to Friday
From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Church Square, 6
12594 Oropesa del Mar, Castellon

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Publications and ConferencesMunicipal filefrom Oropesa
records of responsibilities Policies of Oropesa of the Sea
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